Camera Types

There are numerous different types of cameras, and this blog serves to briefly discuss some of the most common camera types in the market and where they are ideally used.

Camera placing

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In continuation of our educational blog series, this article aims to highlight the importance of locating your cameras to strategically align with their intended purpose.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), once the stuff of science fiction, is becoming increasingly pervasive in our day to day lives. From speeding up the automated machinery in vehicle assembly lines to asking Siri on your apple iPhone...

Wired vs Wireless

POTS ring a bell? Post Office Telephone Service? Remember the days walking in the neighborhood staring up at the lamp posts seeing hundreds of thin black cables come together?

Understanding camera terminology

Whether you’re a bookkeeper, physics teacher or doctor, terminology like “Analog, IP, AI Analytics, Facial recognition and LPR monitoring” probably don’t mean much to you.