Incident at residence in Rondebosch
2020/09/06 20:12:42 Acusense – Intrusion – 129 Campground Down Processed by Donovan Lenting
Upon accessing the signal at 20:12:48 another signal comes thru at 20:12:57 and the operator observes a person coming down Kelvin Road. the operator then opens Multiview and uses the audio. At 20:16 operator starts to send updated snapshots to the WhatsApp group, off all the suspicious people’s movement. At 20:22:09 the operator opens the details and calls Princeton Security. And at 20:22:31 the operator again opens Multiview then uses the audio. At 20:24 Princeton responds via the WhatsApp and confirmed the response is on the way. The operator then monitors the 2 until they were seen exiting the area via Cul De Sac.
At 23:30 a resident posted to the WhatsApp group and confirmed the suspects left something behind a bushy area and requests for the response to check. The operator phones and informed Princeton Secutiry to check the area mentioned at 20H34 Princeton confirms the 2 had left the area and proceeds to check the bushy area. At 20H36 the response is seen arriving at the spot and checks then at 20H40 post a pic of some copper cables found in the bushes. The resident requests Princeton to remove the cables and for OmniVision to be more vigilant as the 2 will return for the cables. The operator informs SAPS and Princeton Security to be on alert and requests for patrols from both parties. The operator audits all information before sending a detailed report to all relevant parties.
Regarding the above event the operator handled the event extremely well. Due to the operator’s vigilants and sticking to the four steps, using the audio and posting on WhatsApp and keeping everyone updated gave the suspects such a scare that they ended up dumping/hiding stolen goods that were not even stolen at the above-mentioned community site. And it got confiscated by response officers in the area.
2020/09/06 23:15:22 Acusense – Intrusion – 129 Campground Down Processed by Caryn Daniels
Upon accessing the signal at 23:15:26 the operator immediately opens the Multiview and uses the audio. the operator dispatches Princeton Security and SAPS as the operator noticed it was the same two people that hid the stolen copper. The operator posts snapshots of the 2 looking for the copper where they hid it, to the WhatsApp group as well as snapshots of Princeton, FADT and SAPS approaching and searching the 2. Princeton returned a call confirming the police is going to let the 2 go as there is no evidence that they were the same people that hid the copper. the operator posted snapshots where the 2 were seen being escorted out of the area. The operator audits all information before sending a detailed report to all relevant parties.
Regarding the above event the operator handled the event extremely well. Due to the operators vigilants and sticking to the four steps, using the audio and posting on WhatsApp. The operator did well in catching the 2 suspects as they returned for the stolen copper, the operator sends various snapshots of the previous event to Princeton Security as SAPS requested footage to prove that they were the same suspects. I logged onto the NVR as well pulling footage, however after searching the suspects SAPS confirmed they are going to let the 2 go. Footage was supplied to Princeton Security however by that time the suspects were already out of the area.
Overall, I would like to say there was great teamwork from everyone with regards to this event and the 2 suspects will definitely not return to the area with the wrong intensions